Three boys have now left street life, moved into the family foster home and started High School. Humphrey (green top), Kelvin (white top) and Maurice (blue top) have been out of school for a while but have settled into Khadeja Secondary School and are now beginning to catch up. They were so happy to exchange their street clothes for school uniform and see how smart they looked. Wish them well as they journey through this transition period.
Extra school fees, new uniforms, books etc. have all had to be bought - be great if you could make a small donation to help with these costs. Believe me, these boys are worth it and will be forever grateful to you for your generosity.
We had two new arrivals at the Joseph Centre this month. Gladys gave birth to Stefan (pronounced Steven) and Bhati gave birth to her son Bornvita whom she has nicknamed Bonny! Two beautiful and healthy boys and two proud and happy mums.
Sadly we had to say goodbye to our volunteer Ian who has been running the computer classes in the Stepping Stones Centre. Happily though it is because he has secured himself a great job working with a computer company! Ian did a fantastic job with the boys and they (and we) were all sad to see him go. The boys made posters for him and we celebrated his good fortune with cake! His replacement is another volunteer - Crystal. She is managing to fill Ian’s shoes very well and the boys are thrilled their computer classes are continuing.
The number of boys attending the Stepping Stones Centre increased markedly this month with an average of around 35 boys attending each day. Space has been a bit tight and managing so many boys has been a challenge, but staff have coped really well and the boys have been brilliant. We take it as a compliment that so many boys now want to attend the centre.
UK registered charity No. 1111373
Registered in Kenya CBO No. DGSD/MSA/CBO/2012/518
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